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Money Tree

Scientific Name

Pachira aquatica


Money tree, Guiana chestnut, Pachira braid

Origins / Hardiness Zones

Central America


Often sold with a decoratively braided trunk, this pretty indoor tree is thought to bring good fortune, but we'd like the Money Tree even if that wasn't the case. The bright green palm shaped leaves bring a perky, cheerful vibe to your home.

Light Needs

Water Schedule


Humidity Levels




The money tree will thrive in high humidity, such as 50% and up in your home. You can achieve this by keeping a bit of water and gravel in the saucer of the pot to raise the relative humidity around your tree, place it near a humidifier, or mist it frequently.

A non-toxic plant pal! You can introduce this plant to your whole family, pets and children included. While it'll be a sad day for you and your plant if someone takes a nibble, you don't have to worry about poisoning anyone!

Outdoors, these plants can tolerate direct sunlight, but indoors money trees need specific light requirements. They should be placed in bright to medium indirect sunlight, for at least six hours a day. If you don't have a sunny window that provides enough light, this plant will also do well under grow lights.

When you water the Money Tree, they prefer a good thorough drink, but don't want their roots sitting in water—so make sure to dump out any excess water that collects in the drainage tray and wait to water again until the top inch or so of soil has dried.

Money trees appreciate mild temperatures and high humidity. Generally, they should be kept between 65°F and 75°F, and not placed near any warm or cold drafts.

The most common problematic insects for money tree plants are aphids and mealy bugs. While both pose a nuisance, neither will be harmful to your tree as long as you act fast. For both types of pests, insecticidal soap with warm water can help eliminate the invaders.

You can propagate Money Trees with an apical stem cutting (the top of the stem where there is new growth). Try to cut a decent section with 3-4 leaf bundles and cut just below the lowest leaf. Remove the lower leaves to ensure a clear stem before rooting in water or another medium. Money Trees are a bit more stubborn to root that other plants, so it can be helpful to dip the cut stem in rooting hormone first. Once the roots are a few inches long you can pot up your new Money Tree! 

Repotting your money tree is only necessary if you want your tree to grow larger. If you want your money tree to stay small, keeping it in a small pot is one of the best ways to do so. Try to repot every 2-3 years in the spring, especially when tending to a younger plant. Increase the pot size by about 2 inches each time or until you're satisfied with the size.

Your money tree needs fertilizer. Fertilize your plant monthly throughout the spring and summer, when the plant is actively producing new leaves, and bi-monthly throughout the fall and winter. A basic fertilizer blend that has been diluted to half-strength will work best.

Typically yellowing or browning leaves indicate overwatering or underwatering. One way to tell the difference is to see if the leaves are both discolored and curling, which indicates underwatering.

If you notice there's no new leaf growth and the plant looks too leggy, it may mean you are not giving it enough light.

The green stems are particularly pliable, so if your Money Tree is growing out of its braid, you can gently re-braid the new growth and use a tie to keep it in place until the stems have begun to toughen up and turn brown.




Pests / Diseases

Common Problems



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